
I grew up in the breezy south Indian coastal city of Chennai. I’m lucky to have had a loving and supportive family during my formative years.

Turning points

There were two major turning points in my career:

I was working on my undergrad final year project in the production engineering lab where I was predicting tool failure using statistical modelling. This project piqued my interest in solving real-world problems using data and modelling, and propelled me in the direction of data science and analytics.

In 2017, I created a pricing optimization solution that needed to be shipped reliably to revenue managers. Suddenly I found myself empathizing with the end-user, thinking deeply about their journeys and building solutions for their pain-points (and enjoying it!). The product bug bit me, and I haven’t looked back since.


I seek to use the knowledge, skills and attitude I’ve gained over the years to create a difference in the lives of millions, using technology as my vehicle.